This distance is unfortunately sold out. You can click the button below to put you on our waiting list. IF any tickets will come available in the near future, you will be the first to know. In the mean time feel free to register for any of our other distances. If any tickets for our sold out distance do come available again, you can very easily upgrade or downgrade your chosen distance.
Waiting List
This distance is unfortunately sold out. You can click the button below to put you on our waiting list. IF any tickets will come available in the near future, you will be the first to know. In the mean time feel free to register for any of our other distances. If any tickets for our sold out distance do come available again, you can very easily upgrade or downgrade your chosen distance.
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Wil je graag nog meerennen ? stuur een mailtje naar met jouw motivatie en misschien maken we wel een uitzondering
Waiting List
Wil je graag nog meerennen ? stuur een mailtje naar met jouw motivatie en misschien maken we wel een uitzondering
Contribution Staatsbosbeheer*
The course of this trail runs through the most beautiful nature in the Netherlands. Staatsbosbeheer protects nature in the Netherlands. Since 2024, forest rangers have been requesting a contribution, which serves as an entry fee for this area and is fully allocated to Staatsbosbeheer. Optionally, you can choose to contribute a higher amount.
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Research shows that on average 50% of people consider a medal to be important. So if you don't want half of them to end up in the bin, it's a worthwhile option. In this way, we avoid unnecessary waste and pollution.
Waiting List
Waiting List
Functional T-shirt
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Waiting List
Please note! Our trails are plastic cup-free. So you should bring your own (collapsible) cup if you want to drink something at the refreshment point or at the finish.
Sorry you are too late, registration for the Bear Trail is no longer possible.
ACTI+ Annulation Insurance
Invite your friends to participate in this event or to download this route by sending your unique link via Facebook, Messenger, Email....
For every valid registration and/or download you earn 5% of their registration fee in credits, which you can use later.
TEMPORARY OFFER - Activate FLEXI for this registration, making it highly flexible, and the FLEXI will be automatically activated free of charge for one year on all your future registrations on Passion For Sports (choice from more than 70 events) - Offer valid only for Account Holders
Activate the FLEXI option and enjoy all the flexible benefits:
* The max refund amount per registration is 75€. * cancellation later than 3 weeks before event, only possible with ACTI+