 10 km
€ 19,-
 20 km
 € 25,50
 30 km
 € 31,-
* Registrationprices are excluding handlingfee of  Sqmtime.com (registrationmodule).

Preregistration possible until Thursday January 4th.
Last minute registration possible from Friday 5 until Saturday 13 January at a higher price.
No registration on raceday!

Polar Bear Trail

From €24.00
Hit the validate button to see/check if the email addresse is already in our database
You can register yourself or other people also
Functional T-shirt
Please note! Our trails are plastic cup-free. So you should bring your own (collapsible) cup if you want to drink something at the refreshment point or at the finish.
Enter here a telephone number of a person to be called in case of an emergency.
Organizer: Bearsports